It took about a week and who knows how many hours of searching and frustration, but I was able to connect a Wii remote to my mac book pro and get it to work running xp via boot camp and Free Track 2.2 not only this but I also got my bluetooth headset to work! I found the answer at this forum.
you have to download the latest Bluesoleil software. unfortunately, as you will see you have to modify the driver because Bluesoleil does not actually support the bluetooth device in the mac book pro so I don't know how to get a legal license for the software. I am going to try and contact them and find out if they can help but for now the 15 day trail version works and you can connect your wii remote and your bluetooth headset and it all works great with Free Track 2.2 just follow the steps out lined in the link.
please post any additional questions or comments here and I will do my best to answer them because if you are trying to do this with your mac BELIEVE me I know how frustrated you probably are and I want to help.