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RSS >  .279 update, OOPs?
DavidT #1 30/11/2008 - 22h46

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Registered on : 18/10/2008

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Had finished setting up a computer for my flight sim program when your update appeared.  Thanks, tried it that evening with FSX and worked fine.  Getting late so decided to tweek it next day.

was in global trying some settings and decided to go back to default. pressed configuration file reset and answered yes, that's when everything went haywire.  Computer locked up with no cursor movement or anything.  only thing I could do was power down and then bring it back up.

everything looked fine except the camera window, the three dots (3 point cap) were now white with the what looked the original window in the bottom 1/3.  The crosshairs was in the bottom portion (at least part of them) and even though the dots moved the wirecage head would not, numbers below remained at 0.0 and the row of dots under the 3point symbol remained grey'  Noticed that if I moved the hat way down the dots would turn back to red.  Profile at default,  output with freetrack trackir and sim connect checked.

I tried uninstalling freetrack, rebooting and reinstalling but still same results.  Don't know what happened but hope someone can point me in the right direction.  I think you have a great program.  My son now wants to try it with his racing simulator.

David Taylor[quote]
didja #2 01/12/2008 - 18h48

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Hi David,

Try deleting freetrack.cfg (in the FT root directory) and then to launch FreeTrack.

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DavidT #3 01/12/2008 - 22h40

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 18/10/2008

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Hi Remy:  Thanks for the info.  Interesting results though.  Everything looked fine except it appeared to have the dots for 3 point clip so I went into model and selected 3 point cap.  Selected ok so I went back to camera and it was still the same.  I finally noticed that it was it was in demo.  Selected my camera the ms vx-3000 and everything reverted back to the white dots above the cross hairs as before.  Decided to print out the cfg files for the demo config and the vx-3000 config.  below is the only difference in the two files.

demo file.

vx-3000 file.
SavedCam=Microsoft LifeCam VX-3000

Everthing else is the same in both cfg files.  Hope this sheds some light on the subject for you.  I'm still in the dark.  By the way my comp configuration is Vista 64bit. 6gbit ram and 1gbit on video card.

Thanks for your help, I feel like we might be progressing even if just a little bit.

didja #4 02/12/2008 - 18h31

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What compression are you using (Stream window) ?

You should try another one, especially if it happens you're using RGB20, try i420.

Otherwise, check you webcam drivers are up to date.

Hope it'll help :)

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DavidT #5 02/12/2008 - 19h58

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 18/10/2008

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Hi again:  Well you got me looking in the right direction.  I had just finished reinstalling the camera software.  Still had same results with FT.  Come back on line to see if you had any inputs and there it was.  Went back into FT and was checking things, noticed that stream was greyed out, which I had noticed before.  For some reason, I clicked on stop and noticed that stream was now active.
the FR was set at 30, Comp was at RGB 24 and only thing available.  The output size was 320 X 240.  Decided to try a different size, was now working, head movement & crosshairs and dots normal but didn't like the display.  Tried others and finally wound back at 320 X 240.  Guess what, looked good and was working great.  So don't know if that was what you had in mind but it worked.  Again many thanks.  Funny how it seemed that the only times I had looked at the stream button was when it was greyed out.

Thanks again for all your help;

didja #6 02/12/2008 - 20h28

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Yeah, you can't click the Stream button when the tracking is active. It requires the webcam to be free from any other process.

I'm happy you got it working. It can also be the drivers you've just reinstalled anyway ;)

Enjoy FT now !

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