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imagitronics #1 01/10/2008 - 13h40

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 01/10/2008

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Hey all. I purchased a TrackIR for myself a few months back for use with Aces High II and IL-2. The unit came with both the three point reflective hat-clip, and the Track Clip Pro. I preferred the simpler hat-clip, but now my wife has taken a bit of a fancy to Aces High II and I'm trying to get her setup using my TrackClip Pro and FreeTrack!

I modified an old Logitech QuickCam Communicate by removing the IR filter and inserting a single layer of photograph film in it's place. On my gaming computer (3GHz Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM running Windows XP) I can get the camera up to about 30fps by setting the exposure down really low...

However on her computer (2GHz Core Duo - iMac running Windows XP) the best I can seem to get is about 15fps. While it's still "usable" it's not an optimal experience. Can someone give me some tips for squeeking a few more FPS out of this camera (I know the camera is capable!). It is plugged into a USB 2.0 port by itself (I have read the FAQ).

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

charliechew #2 01/10/2008 - 14h31

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 35
Registered on : 22/06/2008

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I've run into same situation a couple of times, for a couple of different reasons, and have found the following helpful:

- Trying unplugging the camera and switching it to a different USB port
- Disable automatic exposure setting if you haven't already
- Switch the camera resolution to a lower setting within Freetrack

Good Luck!

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